Friday, August 31, 2012


All of these pics inspire me in some way.

... Thanks for lookin :)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Why does the pound have to be worth more than the dollar?

The link isn't working so copy paste the URL to your browser to stumble on some crazy awesome finds straight from those bloody english blokes.. Sorry, I just had shepherd pie for dinner. Wanna see? There ya go...

These shoes for example?? Gimme! I need certain things, and these shoes are on that list! Oh boyfriend...

Simply So Good: Crusty Bread

Simply So Good: Crusty Bread

Oh my goodness!! This website is the ultimate guide to delicious and tasty bread of all sorts: lemon, rosemary, cranberry, pecan, cheddar... whatever you want! I'm off to buy a 5.5 quart baking dish right now so I can have fresh bread tomorrow! Woohoo!!!

Below I have added a photo of my experience with this bread recipe for crunchy on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside loafs. They were so delicious! Rosemary lemon was a face. So was jalapeƱo cheddar! Nmh 
Happy bread baking!

Coconut Whipped Cream: A Step-By-Step Photo Tutorial — Oh She Glows

Coconut Whipped Cream: A Step-By-Step Photo Tutorial — Oh She Glows

coconut whipped cream 4086   Coconut Whipped Cream: A Step By Step Photo Tutorial

coconut whipped cream 4406   Coconut Whipped Cream: A Step By Step Photo Tutorial

I happen to KNOW that you would LOVE to try this whipped deliciousness as a substitute to regular dairy containing whipped cream. I know it. Go on... try it. Do it NOW!!

I want to mention that below I have added my own results but I have made a half coconut milk solids, half heavy whipping cream mixture with some vanilla extract and a dash of powdered sugar. Hand whipped until my arm began convulsing. Delish. My new fave thing is adding a dolup of whipped cream to my morning coffee. Or not morning coffee. My any time of day coffee  whip it up friends!

Foreign Fashion I Who doesn't love a good fashion blog??

Is it possible to fall in love with clothes? I think yes :) | Sara Montazami

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If you love fashion, you won't mind that this blog is not in english... even just the pictures are drule worthy :) I didn't even say that about the salmon post below :-/ I wonder if I crave food or fashion more... hmmm

Grilled Salmon I Recipe -

Grilled Salmon I Recipe - This website shares amazing and easy recipes!! Check it out!!

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YOU can have salmon like this... mmmmmm
Eat fresh. Buy organic. Share with loved ones...

50+ Designer Knock offs to Make — Saved By Love Creations

50+ Designer Knock offs to Make — Saved By Love Creations

 Learn how to make West Elm dish ware!!
Learn how to make these earrings with BOBBY PINS!
Learn how to make this wall art inspired by items at Urban Outfitters
Click on the link above to see how it's done... Saved By Love Creations!!

The Universal Soul...

In my life I often wonder about 'destiny'.  Is this a sign? Am I meant to do this? What path should I choose? What is my destiny?? And then I read the book, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. It is a book about the path to your destiny and how a person realizes their destiny. The book helped clarify for me a few key points: your LIFE is your path, and your HAPPINESS is your destiny. The 'path' is right now, where you are. Everything you do... Everything YOU DO, not everything you hope to do, is the path. And your destiny can be defined as whatever it is in life that brings you joy. Often times people are under the illusion that money brings happiness. I would argue that money cannot buy happiness and that true happiness can be measured by the amount of things in your life that cannot be bought. For example: if you want to be a good parent, one should spend more TIME with their kids, NOT more MONEY on them. Instead of focusing on your troubles and have-not's in your life, count your BLESSINGS! Everything is taken for granted these days. From having sight, legs to walk with and people who love you, you are already ahead of many people who don't have these such luxuries. I use the word luxury here because they are exactly that. Too many of us see things that they want and don't have, instead of seeing the things they have. Everything you have, you once wanted. How about that? Love. Friends. Community. Laughter. Family. These things cannot be bought for they are priceless. By recognizing these elements of our lives and appreciating them and giving thanks for them, we might be surprised by how much joy we have been missing out on. Waking each day and giving thanks for as many blessings as you can think of, will start your day on a positive note, which will bring you a feeling of happiness, which brings us full circle to your destiny. Some people think that their destiny is a job that they really want, or a house that they always dreamt of owning, or a trip that they have always wanted to go on, and so on... These things are not priceless, they have a price and they can either be bought or lost. A house can be bought and lost. A trip has to be bought. A job can be lost. Happiness and joy cannot be bought or lost because it can always be found. I know what you may be thinking. What if the house, the trip, the job all bring me joy and happiness no matter how you cut it? What if material things do in fact bring me joy? Is it wrong to peg a material thing with a priceless price tag? Does it make me vain to value things that can be bought? The answer to these questions are all subjective. There is no objective way to answer any of those questions but I can do my best to give some perspective to the idea that riches are not counted in dollar signs. For some people, they have the money to buy anything they want and anything their family members want or even anything a friend wants. For others, they do not have the money to buy even enough food to fill the stomach's of their families. The person with money may feel they are rich because they have money. The person without money may feel they are rich because they have family. Which do you value more? Money? Or family? I know what my answer is. And I can only hope that I know what your answer is too... but I do not judge you either way.  Again, everything is subjective and your destiny is not necessarily how I understand mine. I think that my destiny is living this idea that I am blessed, that I have been brought here to this life to learn, to love and that one day, at the end of my life, I will once again become part of the universe. Herein lies my topic: the existence of a universal soul.

What is a universal soul? I believe that we are all part of eachother. That there is no division between our bodies, our thoughts, another person's thoughts or another person's bodies. That we are all made up of atoms, which are made up of tinier particles which are simply put, energy. This energy vibrates at different speeds. Higher speed vibrations have been observed in gases, slower vibrations in solid matter. But there is no question that the air I exhale, becomes the air someone else inhales and becomes the life support to that person. There is no question that when we die and our bodies decompose and become part of the eart that those nutrients support new growth and new life. There is no question that there are 'coincidences' in life that sometimes cannot be explained other than simply stating that they are coincidences. But what is a coincidence?

Having positive thoughts and visualizing my desires in life gives those thoughts a power of potential by the Law of Attraction to manifest my desires. I believe that the power of positive thinking is not something to take for granted. Every day, by waking up being thankful for my many blessings, I believe that this positive thought attracts more positivity to my life. Then by simply taking this one step further and asking the universe to bring you the strength to accomplish a goal, the determination to finish a task, the integrity to admit one's faults, whatever your immediate desires are for that day, by asking the universe to help you achieve your goal, you are more likely to achieve that goal. The Law of Attraction is based on this very idea that we are altogether part of one universal soul and that the universe wants for you what you want for yourself: happiness and joy, which is in and of itself, your destiny.